It's cheap and cheerful, easy to make, but can actually taste pretty good. I did once call this 7 minute wine because that's how long it took me to make my first batch. Seriously,for the cost and effort required, it's certainly worth a go!
Here's what you'll need:
A demijohn and airlock
Sterilising solution
4 litres of red or white grape juice (43p at Aldi)
1 kg white sugar (although you won't need all of it)
Wine yeast (£1 from Wilkinsons)
Wine finnings (£1.20 from Wilkinsons)
1. Sterilise your demijohn and airlock and anything else that may come into contact with your mash!
2. Pour the 4 litres of juice into your demijohn.
3. Mix 500g of sugar with some hot (not boiling) water and stir until dissolved. Top up the demijohn with this. Then cold water if you need to top up.
4. Check the temperature, if we're at about 21c, add the yeast, leave it 15 minutes then give is a gentle stir and put it somewhere nice and warm!
5. When it stops fermenting (about 2-3 weeks), rack (syphon without disturbing the sediment) into a sterile demijohn.
6. Add the finnings according to the instructions on the pack.
7. Once cleared, rack again if required.
7. Bottle it up!
8. Leave it for 2-3 weeks before drinking.
Now that is a basic turbo wine but we can improve it greatly!"
1. Sterilise your demijohn and airlock and anything else that may come into contact with your mash!
2. Pour the 4 litres of juice into your demijohn.
Crush a punnet of grapes in a sterile mixing bowl
4. Add 300g of sugar with some hot (not boiling) water and stir until
dissolved. Add this to the grapes and leave for an hour or so.
5. Top up the demijohn with the mixture, grape skins and all.
6. Check the temperature, if we're at about 21c, add the yeast, leave it 15 minutes then give is a gentle stir and put it somewhere nice and warm!
7. When it stops fermenting (about 2-3 weeks), rack (syphon without disturbing the sediment) into a sterile demijohn, straining out the grape pulp and skins as you do.
8. Add the finnings according to the instructions on the pack.
9. Once cleared, rack again if required.
10. Bottle it up!
11. Leave it for 2-3 weeks before drinking.
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